Czech Fundraising Center 

South Bohemia - Center In Natura

In Natura -Professional and personal growth inspired by nature

Our vision:

To live a good life means to be able to live it with other people. To be able to live with other people means to share, to have common values, dreams and interests. Common values, dreams and interests are created in communities, in what is nowadays usually referred to as the civil society.

We help civil society and community leaders in the Czech Republic, the CEE region and other countries in transition acquire the capacity and tools to build confidence and long-term independence.

The In Natura Center offers a unique opportunity for personal and professional development, as well as fine-tuning of both work and informal groups. The In Natura education concept – Naturally in Nature – was developed in the early 1990s under the umbrella of the Holiday School of Lipnice. It enriched the principles of experiential learning with methods derived from natural processes and laws. Humans are also part of nature, and its laws and wisdom significantly help us to learn how to make free decisions, develop, and create balance between what we want and what we do.